Insight On

Thursday, 29 August 2013

VIP Usher for George Benson's Performance

Hello! It's been a while since my last post because I've been busy with uni. Just started my Year 2 this week :) Was lucky enough to get myself a One Republic concert ticket by helping a friend to usher VIP's to the cocktail reception area for George Benson's performance in KLCC. George Benson is a very famous American jazz musician. He is currently on a tour to promote his latest album 'Inspiration' which you can find out more here: .  It was my first time working with JS Productions and it was pretty cool because coincidentally, I was paired to work with Rachel (my friend's gf!).  Also made friends with a guy named 'PJ', who wouldn't tell us his real full name. lol.

OOTD, black formal

PJ and Rachel

My "All Access" pass ;p

The cocktail reception area for VIP's

Mini banner stand for people to take pictures.
They had red carpet as well, for the BIG VVIP's (Sultan, Datuk & Datin all came)

Me and Rachel (please excuse ma overdone brows. was rushing!)
The highlight of the night for both of us has got to be the picture we took with a Japanese guy! He just randomly walked up to me and asked if he could take a picture with me...then went to do the same with Rachel. I was telling her maybe he will go back Japan and show his friends telling them this is what Malaysian girls look like. Haha. 

Night view of the twins! Sho purdy right? ^^

Was super exhausted after a whole day of lecture and work. Could have stayed for his performance but I decided not to cause I promised to have dinner with a friend! Btw, do bear with the bad pic quality. My camera is still being repaired!

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