Insight On

Monday, 5 August 2013

Checklist & Boy Talk

If you are in college or uni, I'm pretty sure you're familiar with your institute's 'Confession' page. Woah.. Sunway Univerisity's confession page...80% all about love issues. Kids these days I tell you, only thinking about relationships :p (it's ok la, I fall into that 80% also) lol.

Admit it. Everyone (or at least most) of us have a checklist. Not any checklist, but The "make-it or break-it" list that you keep in your head and refer to when looking for a potential love partner or soul mate. For the girls, the typical top 3 qualities that I assume is in that list would be 1#tall, 2#handsome and 3#loyal? For the guys, hmm...1#gorgeous 2#funny and 3#smart? Of course, life would be perfecto if we could find someone that closely matches all the traits we want. But that really isn't the case for the majority of us, no? There was once in my developmental psychology class where my lecturer asked us to jot down what is the one thing your ideal partner has got to have and why. A lot of my classmates placed importance on loyalty/honesty and acceptance because without those qualities, a realistic relationship cannot happen. Of course, some also do take into consideration of religion and race (not trying to discriminate here). In fact, that list can go on and on and on.. the more dramas we watch or the more stories we hear about, the more we get brain washed and the longer and more detailed that list becomes. But lets be honest, if you aren't some Victoria Secret model, you can't expect to definitely get a guy who's all Hercules right? vice versa.

*but if you happen to look like them, kudos! 

On the contrary, it isn't wrong to seek for all the good qualities. Human's nature to be greedy and competitive mah. We would inevitably always want the best for ourselves :) For me though, I think the few qualities that's on top of my checklist would be...

1#his smile (If there is one thing I'd notice about a guy, it's gotta be his smile. 
Not the eyes, not the big buff body, but his genuine smile. 
A guy with a great smile is definitely a charmer!)

2#mysteriously-daring (Sounds so badass but nola! xD somehow,
 I'm attracted to guys who'd really walk the talk than just talk the talk. 
I mean, it's nice to have someone who'd be unexpectedly full of surprises, 
even if in weird ways, as along as it's with good intentions!)

3#family first (No matter how bad his relationship is with his family, 
he has gotta prioritize them. I find this really important because one day, 
IF we get really serious down the road and decide to get married or wtv, 
wouldn't that mean I become part of his family too..?)

4#no lies (There is no point in being in a relationship if both parties 
can't be truly honest with each other. 
I need to know if I can truly fully accept him.)

5#stable (I need someone who is persistent to ground me. 
I'm someone who is what my mother would term "wild"
and full of insecurities so it's best if the potential guy 
doesn't have a roller-coaster life and knows what he wants.)

6#scent! (I love perfumes and nice smelling stuff so guy's who smell good, thumbs up!)

* I assume that basic hygiene is a total MUST for everyone so I'm not gonna put it in! Oh btw, (no offense) but I kenot tahan guys with long finger nails..unless you play the guitar..but very turnoff for me! Also, someone asked me before, what if there's this IDEAL guy but he smokes? Well, I'd first want to know the reason he smokes. If it's an addiction or to feel less stress then I'd want him to try to stop because the only thing he should be addicted to is me, and if he feels stressed, I should also be the one he turns to, not the cigarettes. But if it's really not possible, I'll be okay with dad's a smoker so yeah :)

Some of my friends tease me saying that my standards are too high that is why I'm still single. YA MEH?? >_<  Okla, only been in one relationship that lasted a year plus..but I don't think it has anything to do with my standards. My ex is a great guy, and heck I would even recommend him to others! Things just didn't work out between us. He wanted to build his life around mine but I wanted to be building his life with him. But it's okay, no rush. I just haven't found the one guy at the right time that wants to stick around and make everything perfect :) I'm not the type who is into flings and wanting to date many guys before I make my choice. If I'm not up for it, I wouldn't want to give false hope. Preferably, I want to meet someone who doesn't know anyone I know. Sometimes things can get real complicated when your friends know him/her and his/her past cause it fuels gossip and drama. Everyone would be so judgy before you have a chance to really get to know the person. I'm also an old school type. These days people pop the 'Would you be my...' question through Facebook or a text. Seriously? What happened to writing love notes and flowers and ionoo...something special to remember the moment? (I know it sounds cheesey but I find it really romantic! and...mysteriously-daring *ahems* ahah)

Here are a few male celebs I admire ^^
Leonardo Dicaprio
Ever since I've watched Titanic, fell in love with him.
 He plays unique roles that are definitely more on the mysterious side.
(Inception & Gatsby)

Dwayne Johnson a.k.a The Rock
Gosh. He is sho perfect. Just look at how he flashes that smile!
Not only muscular and have a bold personality but also funny!
 (The Game Plan, G.I Joe Retaliation & Fast 6)

Liam Hemsworth
Just so man.. O_O lucky Miley!
(The Last Song & The Hunger Games)

Matt Dallas
Something about him is just so charming! :)
(Beauty and the Briefcase & Kyle XY)

Talking about Beauty and the Briefcase, it's a movie that made me reflect on my checklist and what really matters when looking for someone potential. Stars Hilary Duff as Lane, a fashion journalist who goes undercover to write an article about dating businessmen. Her checklist is pretty long and interesting..invovles sexy accent and having big public fights then hot make up sex after. Not too bad huh? haha.

BTW! Who got watch VAMPIRE DIARIES?!
Basically, there's this phrase that has been circulating on insta and twitter..
I want a guy who is 
Strong like Klaus
Sweet like Stefan &
Protective like Damon
Yes, I'm going to die alone. 
 SO TRUE! hahaahhaa xp

One last thing, I don't judge people until I truly know them. I wouldn't want to be judged for my past actions either because it doesn't represent the present me. But if you're already judging me before knowing me, I guess it tells just as much about you and how incompatible we would be! #justsaying lol. I believe in seeing everyone at their best before their worst :)

And for you single ladies out thr, don't fret! YOUR BOYFRIEND HASN'T BEEN BORN YET!

That's all for 2deh!

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